

My first project for my drawing course this term. Our prof wanted us to do a "mapping" of some sort.
I wanted to explore the ideas behind the fourth dimension, the boundaries of reality, and the blurring of knowledge and truth.
After doing extensive research on this thing called Wikipedia, I decided upon the image of a tesseract, which is a net of some sort. (Recall the days of elementary geometry, when your teachers would ask you to cut out polygonal nets to glue and assemble in various 3D forms -the cube, the cylindar, triangular prism etc)
The net for the 3D cube would be a "t" shape assembled from 2D squares. Hence, the net for a 4D "cube" would be a similar cross shape assembled from 3D cubes. If one were to venture into the Euclidean space and somehow fold and assemble this 3D net, one would get a fourth-dimensional "cube," so to speak.
I came upon the idea of the 4th dimension through one of the most phenomenal works by Duchamp, entitled A Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, or The Large Glass. Duchamp worked with invented machines that occupied a fourth-dimensional space, painting his images in ultra-thin layers of pigment on glass (which, because it is transparent, would be considered to have zero dimension.)

If it is possible for a three-dimensional object to have shadows composed of 2-dimensional planes, then it should be quite possible for a four-dimensional object to have shadows composed of three-dimensions. However, we cannot observe this fourth dimension, so we are living in a world of shadows (references to the Allegory of the Cave philosophy)
What we are seeing, then, is not true reality. Truth lies beyond our perception and comprehension.
I had to give that entire schpiel to my class during critique. I hope they understood what I was talking about, because it felt so surreal (due to my extreme sleep-deprivation to finish this piece)
Graphite on mylar, structure made from bamboo skewers and hot glue. Thread was also used.
I liked the idea of translucency and obscuring one's vision to create an image.
My father criticized the merde out of this when I brought it home. Yes it is quite unpolished and sketchy, and at places rather crude, but I like the tension of organic marks against such a rigid, angular form. I'm quite pleased with the result, given the allotted time I had to make it. (2 days)
Perhaps one in a series, if I have the heart and time to come back to it.


L.M. Augustine said...

please do more of this, you brilliant creature.

Georgina said...

What is the 4th dimension in your terms? I understand from physics that what we call time is the 4th dimension